

Concerning suicide.... We know from scripture that Samson killed himself, God granted Samson's prayer however knowing what Samson was about to do. King Saul killed himself, but God hardened his heart, Ahithopel a counselor of David put his house in order then hanged himself. Zimri set his palace on fire thus killed himself in the flames, and Judas the Son of Perdition hanged himself. There is nothing holy about suicide nor romantic when a person takes their own life. Suicide is not the Lord's way. He promised many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord will deliver us from them all. When we've done all we can do to stand, the bible says stand, God sees all hears all, and knows all and can deliver us from wickedness. Suicide is never an option if we truly believe in the power of God. He said you will have trouble in this world but take heart I have overcome the world! Suicide is disgraceful and shows incredible weakness. Suicide is a selfish act because not only does it destroy that person but those who are close to that person, the mother the father, the friends, classmates. It hurts other people, makes others feel like the guilty party.  


Psalm 6:4-9, Psalm 13:2-6, Psalm 34:18, 1 Peter 5:7, John 16:33, Matthew 10:29-31.


I have no ideal nor would I speculate as to where a person who commits suicide will spend eternity. It is not for me to judge but I would never recommend suicide as a quick way to peace.


In Christ


Dale Thompson